About Us
Titogo supports aspiring entrepreneurs, startups and companies, helping them to innovate and create market-leading companies.
What we do
The brand Titogo is characterized by two strong core values, namely the ability to implement innovative business strategies and a focus on excellence. Titogo actually stands for TIme To Go, serving as an invitation and concrete support towards growth, innovation, change, and digitization. Additionally, we borrow the Italian slang term "togo," which signifies something excellent, because our aim is to guide you towards a state of excellence while respecting your values, your roots, and your identity.
Titogo is your strategic partner who helps you grow and innovate while respecting and keeping your nature and values. We deeply understand how frustrating it is to keep up with the currently ever-changing, fast-paced, and competitive environment. And in such a hectic environment, Titogo aims to support you to improve, innovate, and digitize your business without losing contact with your values.
How we do it
Titogo's mission is to transfer proven methodologies and strategies within both startups and big corporations, to our customers. We help you accelerate the different phases of your business development, from ideas validation, to their realization and market launch, up to employee engagement and training. Depending on your needs, you can count on standardized or more tailored solutions. We provide you with a flexible approach aimed spanning from pure consulting up to a side-by-side support along your transformation journey, with the ultimate goal of making you independent.
Titogo is also establishing strong cooperation with active players in public tenders and funding, to help you identify the most advantageous public funding which best suit your needs, so to offer you additional support in terms of investment.
Why we do it
We believe in people potential and we want to give to as many of them the opportunity to express and enhance their personal and business uniqueness. We know by experience how difficult it is to express one's uniqueness in the market, differentiate oneself from the competition and maintain a sustainable and lasting competitive advantage. In today's dynamic environment, constant innovation is a must, but not everyone is able to execute it. Our goal is to take our customers to the next level, helping them achieve that sustainable advantage and best express their uniqueness.
Titogo was established by various professionals with decades of leadership and entrepreneurial experience in different sectors, from startups to large companies. They are all gathered from the same goal and willingness of supporting people with entrepreneurial spirit, as well as small and medium companies, in their journey to growth. We make the most of opportunities and stimuli offered by ongoing social changes, such as the challenges posed by the evolution of artificial intelligence and digitalization.
Find out about our servicesThe Co-founder Team

Daniele Picca

Adriano Battistoni

Simona Vitale

Mario Ricciolino

Andrea Sica
Titogo supports aspiring entrepreneurs, startups and companies, helping them to innovate and create market-leading companies.
We are one of the leading consultancy and training companies in the innovation field, dedicated to startups, small, and medium companies. We support our customers with defining and validating their business ideas, designing growth and innovation strategies, addressing cultural transformation and new ways of working, leveraging digitization, and with prototyping and designing digital products and services.
Get in touch should you need support with any of the following challenges:
Strategy and Innovation: A purposeful strategy must be tailored and sustainable. We work side by side to shape medium- and long-term strategies so that they are lasting. We help you identifying innovative solutions tailored to your needs, creating new products and services to help you differentiate from competition.
Digital development: There isn't worst case in business than falling in love with an idea that has no market relevance. We help you defining your customers' needs correctly (B2B, B2C, B2B2C), to reduce your operational and investment risks. And we can support you even further with designing and developing your MVP and/or digital products, as well as with creating engaging customer experiences.
Cultural Transformation: People shape organizations, not the other way around. We involve your people thus to leverage their skills and ideas, and to ensure the required changes are well received and supported at all levels.
Training: Up-skilling and re-skilling is the new norm. We create tailored courses to improve your people skills, trying to develop new mindset and virtuous behaviors so to allow you to increase expertise, working climate, and consequently your overall business.
Do not hesitate to contact us either you need support on a specific area from the ones mentioned above, or in case you require a broarder consultation, such as from validating a business idea, implementing an innovative solution, up to getting the whole organization involved with its execution.
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